Continuous Test Automation and Monitoring of Bluetooth and Wireless Speakers

Executive Summary

The client is a leading consumer electronics company based out of the USA, primarily engaged in developing and selling audio equipment such as Bluetooth speakers, wireless headphones, etc. The legacy test infrastructure at the client location for testing the audio devices was running in silos across different product categories and variants, resulting in longer test planning cycles and a higher number of defects. Also, the infrastructure monitoring and alert management were done manually and in an ad-hoc manner, which created several testing challenges for the client.

eInfochips helped the client in test automation, functional testing, integration testing and test infra monitoring and maintenance of its electronic products. We implemented DevOps by integrating tests from different teams, streamlining the testing process. eInfochip’s test automation team also established a mature infrastructure monitoring system along with alert management with the help of continuous monitoring tools. The above process changes led to an improved test coverage and lower number of defects in subsequent test cycles.

Project Highlights

  • Test automation of five product categories and a connected mobile app
  • DevOps implementation
  • AWS test infrastructure setup and monitoring
  • ~85% effort saving with automation
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