
Scoreboarding is a key function of a Verification Environment. While verifying the complex SoC (System On Chip) or IP (Intellectual Property), data integrity becomes a challenging and repetitive task for each block or path. The purpose of the Generic Scoreboard technique is to reduce repetitive work of checking data integrity by the comparison of different types of transactions using a common component. Scoreboardnetic is a generic scoreboard environment written in System Verilog language and uses UVM Methodology.
The following diagram is a pictorial representation of the steps involved in using Scoreboardnetic.


Scoreboardnetic supports following features:


Scoreboardnetic supports following features:

  • On the fly controllability to enable – disable specific source’s packet
  • On the fly controllability to enable – disable data checkers
  • Multiple configurable scoreboards with each scoreboard supporting multiple data checkers
  • For each data checker, in order and out order comparison
  • Callback support for the scoreboard to control transactions passing to a particular data checker
  • On the fly comparison statistics reporting utilities (through status tasks)
  • Callback support for data checkers for hookups to control transaction comparison or for performance monitoring

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