Services Category: Cloud

Riya Savjani

A Buyer’s Guide to Cloud Managed Services

At the very moment an enterprise adopts a cloud solution, they need to strategize on how they are going to manage it. And to manage the cloud well, enterprises often take the help of service providers who can lift all the responsibilities of cloud management from their team. This is a buyer’s guide on things to consider while hiring a cloud managed service provider.

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How Cloud Computing is Transforming the Retail Sector
Kaushal Naik

How Cloud Computing is Transforming the Retail Sector

Managing, storing, and analyzing data is an exhaustive task. Businesses are quickly adopting cloud technologies to effectively manage and process data for real-time insights. To thrive in a highly competitive industry, retailers must extend their reach to the customers with multiple stores and efficiently manage supply chains to provide a unique customer experience. Integrating cloud computing services in the retail sector not only reduces IT costs but also simplifies the workflow, improves efficiency and end-user experience.

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