Analog Pixel Driver Display Processor

Analog Pixel Driver Display Processor

Executive Summary Our client, a visionary American multinational corporation, is pushing boundaries in computers, entertainment, and enterprise solutions. They were developing next-gen, high-resolution, high-power displays with a critical challenge: the display processor. With high-voltage analog parts and wide temperature range requirements on TSMC’s 22nm node, they needed a partner for verification and simulation. The client […]

Nailtop Microcontrollers: A Paradigm Shift in Machine Learning Capabilities

Nailtop Microcontrollers: A Paradigm Shift in Machine Learning Capabilities

In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the world of microcontrollers, enabling them to perform increasingly complex tasks. One groundbreaking innovation in this field is the advent of Nailtop microcontrollers with machine learning capabilities. These miniature devices have emerged as powerful tools for implementing machine learning algorithms in resource-constrained environments. In this blog post, we will explore the exciting potential of Nailtop microcontrollers and delve into their unique features and applications.

Bluetooth Device Testing: Performance Measurement of Bluetooth Devices

Manufacturers of Bluetooth devices need to up their production as the increased demand results in the reduction of the device cost. The time to hit the market can become a primary factor in ensuring the success of the wireless product with Bluetooth wireless technology in it. However, the factors such as higher quantities, low cost, […]

Baby Monitoring Mobile Application

Executive Summary Created cloud-based solution for baby monitoring mobile application using camera feedseInfochips developed Android, iOS mobile application and streaming, cloud storage solution for baby monitoring video feeds. Client A leading in smart home product company Project Highlights Challenge The client wanted to develop a comprehensive camera video-based baby monitoring solution accessible via mobile and […]

Factors To Consider While Choosing an Electronic Design Services Partner

Factors To Consider While Choosing an Electronic Design Services Partner

Many organizations may have a great concept for a product or a solution or an important problem statement that need be addressed. But they may be faced with the lack of right resources or the right electronic design partner for successful implementation. One of the biggest challenges for many organizations is finding the right partner […]

Smart Wearable Solution for Sports Persons

Smart Wearable Solution for Sports Persons

Case Study – eInfochips delivered a smart wearable solution based on STMicroelectronics STM32WB55 microcontroller and supported the client with firmware development including hardware…

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