AM438x EPOS Reference Designs

EPOS Reference Design on AM438x

Technology has changed the way we perform financial transactions. Electronic money is the new currency worldwide. Customers now increasingly prefer transacting electronically rather than using cash. This fact certainly saves time and effort for both retailers and customers as one can directly deduct the stipulated amount from credit/debit cards rather than having to carry and disburse currency of different denominations. Nowadays, electronic point of sale systems or EPOS has become indispensable since it’s the most used mechanism worldwide to facilitate and authenticate card-based payments.

eInfochips being a platinum design house partner with Texas Instruments, has come with an innovative EPOS solution based on TI AM438x chipset. We have a reference design offering faster time to market for companies who are related to the process of designing or developing EPOS systems.

  • PCI 4.0 Certified chipset
  • Supports Embedded XDS100V2 USB emulation through the Micro USB AB connector
  • 7-inch WVGA (800×480) RGB LCD panel
  • Wireless connectivity via 3Gm WiFi and NFC support
  • 4×4 push button switches for easy operation
  • Battery operation support
  • On-board storage via MMC/SD/SDIO cards
  • On-board encryption for high level security

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