Intel FPGA Design Solutions Network (DSN)

The Intel FPGA Design Solutions Network (DSN) is an ecosystem of experienced, independent FPGA (ASIC) design and development companies that provide customers with innovative solutions based on Intel advanced FPGA and SoC platforms. Leveraging comprehensive experience on Altera’s FPGA platforms, eInfochips (an Arrow company), as an Intel DSN partner, is offering FPGA prototyping, and development services based on latest Intel Stratix, Aria, and Cyclone platforms. The main goal is to help customers accelerate cost-effective product development and reduce the time to market.

eInfochips’ Intel FPGA Design Service Offerings

FPGA and SoC Development Expertise

  • Complete ownership: Spec to validation
  • Domain expertise in Networking, Avionics, Video, Storage
  • DO-254 compliant FPGA for safety critical systems
  • Timing closure using Retiming, Hyperflex Architecture, Advanced Optimization on Quartus Prime

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