Physical Design of Multiple AI-driven Low Geometry ASICs

Executive Summary

As a trailblazer in AI, cloud computing, and online services, our client needed next-level performance for their cutting-edge data centers and search engines. Their ambitious vision? Develop AI-accelerated ASICs using 5nm and 7nm process nodes – a quantum leap in computational power.

But tackling such an audacious chip design demanded a partner with deep expertise in advanced node implementation and a proven track record with TSMC, the world’s leading foundry. That’s where eInfochips came in.

Leveraging our membership in TSMC’s elite Design Center Alliance and mastery of Cadence’s leading-edge EDA tools, we took on the critical physical design and design-for-test implementation. Our engineers optimized every aspect, from placing millions of transistors to ensuring manufacturability.

Project Highlights

Physical Design of Multiple AI-driven Low Geometry ASICs
  • Custom designed chips for data center
  • Size 25+mm X 25+mm
  • Technology node 7nm and 5nm
  • Improved performance and efficiency
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