Smart Vending Machine Gateway Module

Executive Summary

The client is a Fortune 100 platform provider with soluitons on high performance computing. As a leader in Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology, the client plans to introduce reference designs for Intelligent Vending Machines that are secure, interactive and multimedia enabled.

As a part of this project, the client planned an intermediate gateway module that would enable connectivity with a standard PC / Laptop to control the peripherals (MDB, ccTalk, Protocol-A) of the Vending Machine. For the design based on the latest Intel ATOM processor, the solution would require electronics and software to seamlessly come together, and also control the mechanical aspects on the Vending Machine.

The solution enabled the client build the next generation Vending Machines, with a large interactive touchscreen; that is deployed by multiple Fortune 100 companies across the world.

Project Highlights

    • Interactive Touchscreen
    • Gesture-based Interaction
    • Cashless Payment
    • Connectivity to Social Media
    • Cloud Integration
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