Wi-Fi Repeater for Smart Home Doorbells

Executive Summary

The client is a market leader in doorbell solutions for smart homes with a well-known gadget featuring HD streaming videos, night vision cameras and motion detectors. Since the rich features obviously consume a lot of web bandwidth, it limits the number of door rings that can be supported by the average Wi-Fi broadband access router. The client wanted to overcome this challenge by designing a separate Wi-Fi access point for the doorbell gadget disengaged from the home Wi-Fi access system. This would have the added security advantage of keeping hackers and packet sniffers at bay.

eInfochips took the ownership of designing a Wi-Fi repeater which connects the home Wi-Fi access point as a client and simultaneously, acts as a distinct Wi-Fi access point for the video doorbells. With this separate network in place, the client was able to support a total of eight video doorbells on one Wi-Fi repeater without compromising on video streaming quality.

Project Highlights

    • Wi-Fi access point and repeater
    • Wi-Fi 802.11 2.4GHz
    • Door buzzer function
    • Up to 8 downstream ports
    • Web GUI support
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