RPA in Healthcare- Use Cases and Benefits

This is the 2nd blog in RPA in Healthcare Series, in the 1st blog we have discussed How RPA is Changing the Healthcare Industry and in this blog, we will see the use cases and benefits of RPA in Healthcare. According to Gartner, “50% of US healthcare providers will invest in RPA in the next three […]

RPA in Healthcare- How RPA is Changing the Healthcare Industry

RPA in Healthcare- How RPA is Changing the Healthcare Industry

This is the 1st blog in RPA in Healthcare Series, in this blog, we will see How RPA is Changing the Healthcare Industry and in our 2nd blog, we will see the use cases and benefits of RPA in Healthcare. From enhancing patient experience to improving healthcare processes, RPA is driving the healthcare system toward […]

RPA Led Enterprise Process Automation

Executive Summary Automated extensively manual, diverse functional processes with high request volume from enterprise usersUIPath led RPA bot development, deployment for higher process throughput, accuracy, and lower processing time Client Global leader in electronics supply chain solutions. Project Highlights Challenge The client was facing high processing costs, low operational efficiency in highly repetitive, high request […]

Robotic Process Automation For Smart City Infrastructure Support

Executive Summary 90% reduction in errors and 30% average time saving. The customer is also set to see a 40% reduction in cost from the second year. The client was spending 60% of the time on repetitive tasks related to infrastructure support. Also, the client was able to provide less than 20% coverage on video […]

Hyperautomation in Supply Chain: A Combination of AI, RPA, and Cognitive Analytics

Hyperautomation in Supply Chain: A Combination of AI, RPA, and Cognitive Analytics

Hyperautomation is ranked by Gartner as one of the 8 leading developments in supply chain technology trends for 2020 and beyond. Hyperautomation is like creating a digital workforce that connects with different applications, analyze, and acts on unstructured data, makes decisions, and explores new possibilities for improvement of processes. So, the next wave of evolution […]

Firmware Development for Robot Vacuum

Firmware Development for Robot Vacuum

Case Study – eInfochips helped in Embedded Linux based firmware development and also ensured the compatibility for future products. eInfochips is also helping…

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